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Features / Usability

Re: Edit / Approve Edits Permissions for the Wiki

posts: 54 Germany

Hi Stu Man (hope, it's ok, calling you so, to avoid your name being a wiki link 😉?),

did you give Registered the permission tiki_p_view, too? Cause they must have first permission to see a page, before they can edit it. Alternatively you assign all permissions from Anonymous (if they have tiki_p_view) to Registered under admin > groups > edit the group Registered - and then below the description include the group Anonymous.

Note: for making the staging and approving work, all users or visitors, who should being able to view the approved wiki pages must have this two permissions:

  • tiki_p_view AND
  • tiki_p_view_categorized !

Try, just for testing, not for "final solution" 😉, to set all groups and permissions like I described on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Staging+Approving+Group+Category+Permissions - it should work!

And remember including the groups: Anonymous > Registered > Editors > Approvers. Otherwise you'll have to give each "higher" group manually all permissions from all the "lower" groups, too.

Wish you success!

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