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Re: Edit / Approve Edits Permissions for the Wiki

posts: 54 Germany

Thank you for your offer, Stuart! Maybe I will soon ask you, when I again crashed my theme 😂 ...

Well, the subcategories I just added to show you an example for configuration which can be useful and works fine 😉. I thinks it's a good solution, when you sometimes have a lot of staging pages and more than one editor/validator working on the approval - so they can "communicate" by categorizing the pages according to their status - withou disturbing the staging and approval system.

If you don't need them yet, you can safely take them away / deleting them, cause the configuration of their "mother-category" won't be touched. But when you later will create them again, remember to select the box to give them automatically all the permissions from their "mother-category" ("Staging")!

Good work 😊, Rontu

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