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Features / Usability

tw 2.2 - only admins can create a new topic

posts: 21

Hi everyone,

I recently upgraded from tw 1.9 to 2.2. My users have been complaining that they can no longer create new threads in forum topics since the upgrade. I have everyone in the registered group permissioned with


as well as


Users in the registered group can view topics and reply to topics, but only users that has the tiki_p_admin_forum perm can post a new topic. From searching through this forum there appears to be other users that also have forum permission problems, but I think mine is unique enough to warrant a new thread. Is this a bug in tikiwiki 2.2 or am i misconfigured

Thanks in advance for your help, and happy hols 🎅

posts: 21

I created a new forum topic to see if the problem only affects previously created forums. The new forum has the same problems ( i.e. admins can create new topic and registered users can reply to them)

so this doesn't just affect legacy topics. Now I'm more convinced that this is a config problem if it isn't a known bug already. is anyone using tikiwiki 2.2 forums that is not having this problem?

posts: 21

i've resorted to creating special groups for the people that have most at stake in a forum and granting the forum admin perms for that group. this is very tedious and doesn't achieve what i want: no users with permission to delete topics (except for admins) and all users permissioned to create new topics.

Obviously creating a new topic as a user that is not an admin works or else i'd be able to delete this whole forum right now. That is, if tikiwiki.org is eating their own dog food as they say.

So what's the deal? Why does this not work for me? help?

posts: 21

Hi Rick, thanks for the reply. No I do not have my forums categorized, at least not intentionally. I do have that feature turned on however, although I do not use it. That's a bit sloppy on my part. I am not that familiar with categories yet ( I read the basic definition in the release notes), but I will read up on it and make sure that I dont have conflicting permissions. Thanks for the tip.

For what it's worth, I turned off the Category feature in the admin panel and logged in as a registered user. The 'new topic' hyperlink is still missing from the UI

posts: 21
I changed the moderator group set to registered users. When I made the moderator group 'Registered' I was able to post topics as a user. All users can delete topics in that particular forum now which I'm not so happy about, so I'm still not really any closer to the answer. At least as long as I make the moderator group whatever 'stakeholder' groups I was creating, I can skip the step of giving that group specific permissions

posts: 21
Dumb ( but relevant question ) what version of tikiwiki is this site?

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