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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Unsuccessful upgrade from 4 to 6

posts: 17

I followed the upgrade instructions for a fresh install of 6.2. I exported my old database via phpadmin and then imported it into a new database via the command line which I then upgraded and converted the encoding with the tiki-install.php. I also copied over our customizations to the Strasa theme.

The new site has our custom menu bar but no content. And no login box. I don't see any errors. I've checked the system requirements and permissions (files to 755).

I think something is wrong with my db/ folder. There is no local.php there. There is also no lock file for me to remove to ru-run the installer.

upgraded not working site:

old version of site:

Any idea how I can get the new version working?!

posts: 3665 United States
kelle wrote:

I followed the upgrade instructions for a fresh install of 6.2.


Any idea how I can get the new version working?!

Going from 4.x to 6.2 encompasses a lot of changes. Be sure to review all of the intermediary Release Note items, as indicated in the 6.2 Release Notes.

Porting custom theme TPL files is especially tricky, too. You can't simply use your customized 4.x TPLs in 6.2. You'll need to merge your customizations into a clean 6.2 TPL file.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 17

We didn't use custom TPL files, just custom css..which is being read. The menu bar is our custom format. Even before I copied over the custom css and it was just using the default Strasa, it still contained no content, no way to login.

I really think the incomplete db/ directory and the lack of a local.php is a bigger problem....

posts: 3665 United States

Ahh... my mistake. In that case, your theme is probably just fine.

If you have no ..db/local.php file at all, Tiki should display an error message (IIRC). Since your site is showing (partially), I don't understand how you don't have the file at all.

If you installed the new 6.2 site via FTP, confirm that all files were transferred successfully.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 17

turns out the local.php was there...I just needed to refresh my FTP client (Transmit) to show it. All other files from the original tiki-6.2/ transfer are present.

I'm back to square one...the only clue we have is this error message:
19-Mar-2011 09:00:26 PHP Warning: PDOStatement::execute() pdostatement.execute: SQLSTATEHY093: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound in /home1/astrobet/public_html/tiki-6.2/lib/core/TikiDb/Pdo.php on line 77

If I were to start over, how would you recommend I do the upgrade? should I do incremental? 4 -> 5 -> 6? or change the settings in the 4.2 wiki before exporting the database? if so, to what?

posts: 17

I gave up and just did a fresh install — wiped the existing database. This way we can at least start messing around with 6.2.

Any advice you have on how to successfully upgrade from 4 -> 6 would still be greatly appreciated. I still have a copy of the exported database and am looking forward to trying again.

posts: 17

turns out the problem was the Custom Site Header. I think it was totally random that I figured this out. But I turned off custom site header from existing 4.2 site, exported database, and imported upgraded to 6.2, and viola, it works!


so, now, what's the problem? Is it a bug with 6.2 Custom Header? or is it our custom header? I've attached it since I couldn't figure out how to display it here without it parsing...

thanks for any thoughts!

posts: 3665 United States

Well, I see two issues with your custom header code, right off the top:

  • Notice that the URL has been sanitized. You either need to turn off the HTML purifier, or use the Smarty {literal} tag.
  • Same with the line:
    Copy to clipboard

    You'll need to use the literal tag to escape the { declaration.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 17


your suggestions got all garbled and I kinda see what you're getting at, but not really. Could you upload your suggested modification to our custom header as a plain text file? thanks so much!


posts: 3665 United States
kelle wrote:


your suggestions got all garbled and I kinda see what you're getting at, but not really. Could you upload your suggested modification to our custom header as a plain text file? thanks so much!


You simply need to surround the entire custom header with:

Copy to clipboard
{literal}...you custom header...{/literal}

However, you should really consider moving all of your inline formatting to a CSS file. Or you could even use the CSS tab on the Admin:Look & Feel page.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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