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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Notifications for Flagged Revisions

posts: 12 USA

Reference: http://tiki.org/forumthread44448

I have three installations I am testing (9.4, 10.2 and 11.x) before I decided which one to put into production for the company I work for.

My boss loves the Flagged Revisions and I have them all setup and working as designed....however...

We will have several hundred Wiki pages and we want to have some way to notify the admins that a page needs to be checked and approved/denied - without having to go to individual pages.

I put the following code on my home page:

{LIST()} {filter field=wiki_approval_state content=pending} {LIST}


{LIST()} {filter categories="42"} {filter field=title content=latest} {LIST}

That I got from http://doc.tiki.org/Flagged+Revisions

However, whenever I modify a Wiki page as a normal user - the list plugin only shows "No results for query." I read the forum posting from the top of this post and I see the guy mention he got it to work, but....

No mention of how he got it to work - can anyone assist?

posts: 12 USA

posts: 10 United States

Here is the code I found to be usefull for this purpose

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{LIST()} {filter field=title content=latest} {OUTPUT(template="table")} {column sort="title" label="Title" field="title_link" mode=raw} {column sort="contributors" field="contributors" label="modified by" mode=raw} {ALTERNATE()}No pages pending with revisions that are pending approval were found.{ALTERNATE} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="title_link")}{display name=title format=objectlink}{FORMAT} {FORMAT(name="contributors")}{display name=contributors format=objectlink}{FORMAT} {LIST}

posts: 72 United States

Kind of an old thread, but here's the code I use:

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{GROUP(groups=>AprvHR)}-=Hello , please see the documents awaiting your approval below=-{LIST()} {list max="50"} {filter field=wiki_approval_state content=pending} {filter categories="90"} {OUTPUT(template="table")} {column sort ="description" label="DocNumber" field="description" mode=raw} {column sort="title" label="Title" field="title_link" mode=raw} {OUTPUT}{FORMAT(name="title_link")}{display name=title format=objectlink}{FORMAT} {LIST}{GROUP}

On my site I have all my docs that require approvals in an "approvals" category. And a corresponding "approvals" group with one user (the approver) in that group. I then assign approval category permission to that group. In my case I'm controlling approvals for procedures in a manufacturing company, so every department manager is an approver.

In this case above, I have a section of code like this for every approval group. In this example it is my ApvrHR group(Human Resources)for the approvals group, and category ID 90 for the approvals category. I put this on my Home Page and if the logged in user is in the Approval group, aka the Approver, they will see the "Hello user_name, please see the documents awaiting your approval below" message, and below that either a list of docs awaiting their approval, or "No results for query.".

Attached is an example of what the output looks like.