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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

trackers edit and more

posts: 2 Italy


I've threee trackers with items

products - ID|description|number
ex.: 1 | smartphone | 90
In this case I can use a trackerlist with editableall=y (I need to add or remove stuff)

orders - ID|description|number
ex.:1 | smartphone | 50
Also in this case I can use a trackerlist with editableall=y (I need to add or remove stuff)

and the third that should be a mix of a form and a tracker (
ID | description | source (select) | destination (select) | howmany
ex: 1 | I smartphone | product | orders | 1
ex: 2 | I smartphone | orders | product | 1

When I edit "howmany" (numeric), for example with 1 (one), I would like to automatically subtract 1 from "smartphone" in Products and add 1 in orders

Thank you in advance.

posts: 1563 Germany

Hello trueliarx,

welcome in the community.

I am not so fancy with Tiki-Shop-Setup yet, although I will have to look into that by myself soon more deeply than I did before.

This said, I will give you a few pointers:

Very first I recommend to you to get an understanding of Shop-Setup is to install a clean test-Tiki and there to apply the Shop-Profile from the profiles repository - you can do that right after the installation in the Admin wizard.

=> I am convinced, that there it is set up exactly like you want.

If not you might want to get Jonny or Bernard in the IRC chat and ask them - but they are available usually not this late ... we all three are located in Europe.

Make sure, that the shop profile has activated Unified Search and do so if not.
You should use the standart setting with 'mySQL Fulltext Search as search engine, but NOT activate Tiki Search or mySQL Fulltext Search explicitely.. Only the one in the input field related to Unified Search search engine. I guess this is default anyway.

For a better understanding of the shop setup, you might want to have a look at the temlpates for the shop, which Jonny committed to the core (upstream) and you can find in your tikiroot (installation directory where the domain points to):
path: templates/examples/shop

This also will help you to understand, how to use template files instead of template wiki pages works.
=> for quick or small stuff wiki pages are very practical as templates, but when it gets more complex, it is handy, when 1. users cannot edit or see these pages and 2. you can edit them with an IDE or local editor and work like edit save here (editor) and refresh there (browser).

What you will likely need aswell is some knowledge about PluginList and Custom Search, but the latter one comes to place later.

I did recently write a tutorial about PluginList here:
Tutorial - Display Tracker data with plugin List
It is not fully finished yet, but it should already save you a good while of learning and shorten the time of getting into List.

Additionally, as said, later you might need Custom Search aswell, which builds upon PluginList. Quick hint: both have the same syntax and mainly you replace simply LIST with CUSTOMSEARCH (in the Wiki Syntax) plus add a required template as .tpl on the server or easier for a start as a wiki page.

To the end, I wish you good luck and hope you will find the right settings quickly, when you applied the shop profile.

Best regards,

posts: 758 United States

I am always impressed by the level of explanation and help you provide here Torsten, Torsten for President!
You never just provide links to pages with explanations, you actually explain! The Tiki community is wonderful.

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi John,

it' s my pleasure. Your appreciation is well appreciated, thank you!

And imagine, I am not even a native speaker 😉

I am here only since so long continuously and I can do that only because of the large number of aweseome collegues and friends in the Tiki community from all over the world. This is a real team. And I am happy and proud every single day to be a part of it.


posts: 758 United States
Thank you Torsten for being here. And your English is excellent! You are one of the mainstays of TikiWiki, I could not imagine a Tiki without you. 😀