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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Several questions

posts: 96 Romania

Thanks for being so prompt to answer. Just noticed that my other questions didn't get posted (since I posted them later), so here they are...

1) How to display the full titles on the article listing page? Right now they are truncated.

2) Is there any way to add the print to PDF/save to notepad options to the articles? Right now they're only available on the wiki-pages.

I think I found the code for the pdf generation, but where should it go?

{if $feature_wiki_pdf eq 'y'}

3) What in the name of Tiki is Sea Surfing? 😀

4) How to stop words from becomig wiki terms? I noticed words with caps inside like (RegEdit) become wiki links, which is bad when you have words like VLink for instance. Some words even become links for no apparent reason.

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