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Features / Usability

Display existing value into PluginTracker form

posts: 2 Belgium


I am new to TikiWiki and I am creating an intranet for a local community with it.

I would like the members to edit their personal data so it can be shared with others and used later on in the website. But I would like this to be done nicely and the editable form for tracker is not user friendly.

The PluginTracker seems to be the right optin, but I realize that it displays an empty form, even though there is existing data:
Screenshot From 2021 06 25 07 53 50


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!Update your personal data Please use this form to update detailed information about yourself: {trackeritemfield trackerId="2" fieldId="8"} {TRACKERITEMFIELD(trackerId="2" fieldId="8")}Please fill out your review{TRACKERITEMFIELD} {TRACKER(trackerId="2" fields="8:17:18:20:21" action="Send")} Thank for your contribution! {TRACKER}

Is there a way to tell Tiki to prefill the form with the existing data? It seems to me that this should be the default behaviour.

Thanks in advance,

posts: 8654 France
Pierre van Male wrote:

The PluginTracker seems to be the right optin, but I realize that it displays an empty form, even though there is existing data:

If you don’t indicate the itemId or the user of the item to filter it Tiki will consider your are ADDING an item not EDITING an existing one.

You can use an itemId parameter in the URL that go to your edit page: editingPage?itemId

I know there are "filters" parameters in the plugin trackers but I never used them.
My understanding is that you can use them so a a "User" will see his item edited. (not sure it will pref-fill).

On personal note I prefer to use the plugin list with an editing modal... but it requires advanced knowledge. 😉

posts: 2 Belgium

Thanks Bernard for your prompt response. I will check that further, but I noticed that the existing Tracker plugin, when filled and sent, does update the existing record and does not add a new one. I.e. when opening the page, the Name field appears empty (even though the connected user already has one registered in the tracker) and if the empty field is completed and the form sent, the name in the Users tracker is updated (the name is replaced with the new value for the corresponding user). Therefore, I am surprised that I would need to specify the ItemID (obviously, Tiki already knows it).

But I will check your suggestion.


posts: 228 Ukraine

Hi Pierre,

It's a little confusing at first, but once you set up 10 or 20 configurations like this it becomes easy (much like anything!).

You should have a page with one Plugin Tracker List. As an example, this is one I've done for Travel Expenses:

Screenshot From 2021 07 04 17 14 51

Two things to note:

1) the PluginButton at the top for 'Add Expense', or any new entry, which leads to a wiki page with a Plugin Tracker on it. Logically, this is where new entries are entered. Be sure to add a follow up direction of where you want to go after the user clicks 'save' (the 'URL' parameter)

2) the 'link' field, or 'date' in this case, makes use of the configuration Bernard suggested, here's a screenshot of where to configure it:
Screenshot From 2021 07 04 17 14 03
However, it leads to a completely separate wiki page with another PluginTracker on it, it's dedicated just to 'editing' entries. So when you click the hyperlink, it will take all the existing values for that entry and display them on the PluginTracker. Here is a screenshot example:
Screenshot From 2021 07 04 17 21 54
Once again, don't forget to put a URL parameter for the user to be taken to after 'updating'.


p,s. than once you have mastered this, you can make use of wiki page templates and PluginFluidGrid so you can put your fields anywhere on the page you like, not just in a column, here's an example from my Time and Expense Management Tracker:

Screenshot From 2021 07 04 17 26 40