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Architecture / Installation

Problems with new Tiki 24.6 Softaculous install on InMotionhosting

posts: 6 United States

The quality of new Tiki 24.6 Softaculous install on InMotionhosting.com server feels inadequate.
1) Are the problems below typical? I could repeat the install but doubt it would be much better.
2) Is Softaculous not a good way to install? (Doing full install myself may be beyond my skills and would take a lot of time.)
3) Is InMotionhosting not as Tiki-friendly as I thought? I also considered A2. I can't afford fancier Tiki hosting just for this testing phase.
4) Other suggestions on how to proceed?

New to Tiki but was hoping it would be perfect for a client project. My skill level: Wordpress admin, basic linux server admin, phpmyadmin but not php

Today I signed up for good shared hosting account with InMotionhosting.com, which I selected because it seems especially Tiki-friendly on its website, and is listed as such on tiki.org. I got the Power Plan server which is a couple of steps up from basic. I put nothing else on the server, which I will dedicate to Tiki. It runs cPanel.

Using Softaculous, I installed Tiki on the server. The latest version available in my InMotion softaculous was 24.6 and that's what I got. I had no problems and got a working Tiki instance. However, when I try to use configuration tools, I see this message:
You do not have the permission that is needed to use this feature: tiki_p_admin

I googled that message and found this thread from 2013:
It recommends edits using phpmyadmin but I don't understand the advice or know which table to apply it to. Anyway, the thread is 10 years old so may be wrong.

Then, when I entered the following string into the tiki.org search box:
You do not have the permission that is needed to use this feature: tiki_p_admin

...I get the following result:
Malformed search query: Error connecting to Manticore service: SQLSTATEHY000 2002 Connection refused

Finally I ran the Tiki server check and the result concerns me. Following is a partial list:

1) mysql section, it says "On a fresh install everything should be set to utf8mb4" but several items are not. For example:
collation_database = latin1_swedish_ci
Perhaps this is because I enabled multilingual? But the server check says it should be set to utf8mb4 so it makes me nervous.

2) Under special directories section
Directory: storage/fgal/ Directory is not writeable!

3) PHP scripting language properties section
Roughly 10 values are enabled and carry yellow "risky" fitness rating.

4) Tiki Packages section
Requirement: composer bad Composer not found

5) OCR status
six items are rated "bad"

6) New database engine
"Your website is using a 18.x or higher version of tiki wiki and your database tables are not using the InnoDB database engine, you should consider migrate to InnoDB, that is now the default database engine for Tiki"

Thank you for any advice.

posts: 6 United States

10.5.23-MariaDB-log, which is good for Tiki 24.6
PHP 7.4, which is good for Tiki 24.6
Linux kernel 4.18.0-425.19.2.lve.el7h.x86_64

posts: 6 United States
To be clear, I don't seek detailed solutions to the list of problems above. Rather, general practical guidance on this question: If I don't have the skill to install myself, are quality 1-click installs on any budget host a realistic possibility, at least to test Tiki for a month or two? Or does one need to budget for specialized Tiki hosting? Tiki.org offers 1-click installs as a realistic possibility. But maybe the world has changed since that was written. Thank you.

posts: 6 United States
FYI, on Wed evening US Eastern time, I deleted the first Softaculous Tiki install, and reinstalled Tiki the same way. At the end of the install, Softaculous said it was successful. Also, the first time I logged into the Tiki admin panel, it said Congratulations on a successful install. But bottom line: I got the same results from the Server Fitness check, with the many problems described previously. So my original problems were replicated more or less exactly and were not the result of a bad install. Cheers.

posts: 6 United States

Update to hopefully close this ticket, with info for others in case useful:

Tiki folks generously and kindly reviewed the Server fitness report and advised that most of the problems are details that would be important only to advanced Tiki administrators, with the following exceptions:
1) Lack of Innodb database engine — Tiki will work without this. If the server access permits, it can be converted by running a script. I didn't do that.
2) Lack of Tiki composer package — This lack prevents installing external packages, which new Tiki administrators will probably eventually want to do.

Finally, InMotionhosting.com tech support wrote that, on its shared hosting, "You won't be able to install composer, switch the db engine, etc. This software absolutely could be installed on a VPS but as it stands not on this shared server and most of the shared fleet." I did not pursue this further with InMotion so there may be additional nuances.

posts: 6 United States
The error I encountered: "You do not have the permission that is needed to use this feature: tiki_p_admin" was not a problem. It was my dumb mistake not realizing it was telling me that I had been logged out of Tiki.
posts: 8657 France
Rafael DeGennaro wrote:
Finally, InMotionhosting.com tech support wrote that, on its shared hosting, "You won't be able to install composer, switch the db engine, etc. This software absolutely could be installed on a VPS but as it stands not on this shared server and most of the shared fleet." I did not pursue this further with InMotion so there may be additional nuances.


I usually now install Tiki on the cloud using instance (Debian + Virtualmin + Tiki) and frankly that's not super complicate while cleaning such problems. I wrote a full tutorial here: https://www.bernardsfez.com/article82-Tiki-Wiki-CMS-installation-on-Amazon-Lightsail-instance-with-Debian11-MariaDB-Git-and-Virtualmin-Webmin-control-panel