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Directory: Wiki

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flag CMS Wiki
CMS Wiki is a knowledge base for Content Management Systems.
Directory Categories: Tiki SitesSoftware»CMSSoftware»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 3035
flag UseMod
a Perl-based wiki writtent by Clifford Adams, UseMod was an early implementation of the original Wiki concept created by WardCunningham that is still ongoing
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1666
flag MoinMoin
MoinMoin is a nice and easy Wiki Engine with advanced features - said in a few words, it is about collaboration on easily editable web pages.
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1570
flag MoniWiki
MoniWiki is a PHP based Wik iEngine. It nearly is compatible with MoinMoin. The wiki formatting rules are imported and inspired from MoinMoin. If you are familiar with the PHP Languge, you can add features or enhancements easily.
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1514
flag TWiki - A Web Based Collaboration Platform
Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet or on the internet. Web content can be created collaboratively by using just a browser. Developers can create new web applications based on a Plugin API.
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1465
flag WikkiTikkiTavi
WikkiTikkiTavi is a wiki engine.
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1366
flag DavidMattison.ca
This is David Mattison's Tiki Wiki hut. David is another Canucklehead on the Information Highway of Life.
Directory Categories: Software»CMSSoftware»BlogSoftware»WikiSoftware»RSS
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1237
flag Diamond Wiki project
The Diamond Wiki project is an attempt to combine faceted navigation with wiki- and blog-style features.
Directory Categories: Software»WikiSoftware»Faceted classification
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1226
flag TikiWiki Hosting
TikiWiki hosting by one of the Project Admins! You simply cant get better than this!
Directory Categories: Software»CMSSoftware»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1212
flag WakkaWiki
A lightweight WikiEngine powered by PHP and MySQL.
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1115
flag coWiki
coWiki is a free (GPL) tool written in PHP 5 which creates a collaborative website that gathers, organizes and extends knowledge. It can manage text documents and binaries, act like a weblog or organize knowledge bases such as FAQs. coWiki provides an easy way to maintain and discuss its documents. It also provides a fast way for qualified contributors to create content online, using a simple and easy to apply markup language without needing HTML editing skills. coWiki is template based, multilingual and modular.
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1001
flag PhpWiki
PhpWiki is a clone of the original WikiWikiWeb
Directory Categories: Software»Wiki
Added: Last updated: Hits: 923
Total directory categories: 98
Total links: 939
Links to validate: 259
Searches performed: 2517
Total links visited: 2517