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Directory: Spreadsheet/table editor

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flag TWiki Spreadsheet Plugin
This plugin offers simple speadsheet capabilities for tables located in TWiki topics. Table cells containing %CALC{"formula"}% variables are expanded at view time.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 3473
flag Jakarta POI - HSSF - Java APIs with XML manipulate MS-Excel

HSSF is the POI Project's pure Java implementation of the Excel '97(-2002) file format.

HSSF provides a way to read spreadsheets create, modify, read and write XLS spreadsheets It provides:

* low level structures for those with special needs
* an eventmodel api for efficient read-only access
* a full usermodel api for creating, reading and modifying XLS files

Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2925
flag Twiki: EditTablePlugin
This plugin allows you to edit TWiki tables using edit fields and drop down boxes. Tables have an Edit table button if preceeded by an %EDITTABLE{...}% variable. Each column can be a text field, a drop down box, a date field, etc. Multiple tables per topic are editable, but only one at a time can be edited.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2860
flag MicroCalc
MicroCalc, a J2ME spreadsheet (midlet), for java enabled handsets, phones, PDA.
Directory Categories: Software»Mobile/WAPSoftware»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2333
flag Worksheet-Server

Web-based data-entry and consolidation of
Excel data with multi-user capability

Transformation of local Excel solutions in
corporate-wide web applications

Ad-Hoc delivery of IT solutions in the inter-
company und intra-company sphere

Excel as Rapid-Development Tool for web applications in Finance, Sales and Controlling

Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2026
flag Java Internet Spreadsheet
Java Internet Spreadsheet: A spreadsheet application written in 100% Java that offers the basic spreadsheet capabilities, like formulas, multiple tables/ sheets, charts and compatibility with common formats. Additionally this Java Internet Spreadsheet wi
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2008
flag JavaSheet!
JavaSheet! Bringing interactive Excel spreadsheets to the web, and saving developers from the tortures of complex JavaScript calculators.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1940
flag Jexcel
Jexcel is a collection of jsp's and beans that will allow a developer to generate the Excel Web Publishing objects in a clients browser. To my knowledge it is the only project of its kind, due (possibly) to the bizzare nature of the Microsoft Web Publishing APIs.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1914
flag SuperTable
))SuperTableis anObject-Oriented(( Javascript API for dynamically manipulating HTML tables. Features include column sorting, row filtering, pattern-based cell/row styling, auto-numbering sequence column, auto-hyphenation, and more.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptSoftware»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1874
flag php_writeexcel
php_writeexcel is a port of John McNamara's excellent Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl package to PHP. It allows you to generate Microsoft Excel documents on your PHP enabled Web server without any other tools.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1838
flag Tony Sintes's entire Java/Microsoft Excel series

Read Tony Sintes's entire Java/Microsoft Excel series (JavaWorld):

"It's Excel-lent"
"The Java-Excel Solution Revisited"
"It's POI-fect"

Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1721
flag BlueShoes SpreadSheet

SpreadSheet is an excel-like application. It's written in pure dhtml/javascript and works without installation of any plugins, java code etc.

It's a great frontend to edit data that you want to display on a web page. For structured output of data in CVS format see the HTML table classes.

Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1637
flag Jeks
Jeks est un tableur JavaTM basé sur le composant SwingTM de classe JTable et la bibliothèque JeksParser de calcul d'expressions mathématiques.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1628
flag Socialcalc
Web-based spreadsheet, using Perl and Javascript. Originally wikiCalc (http://www.softwaregarden.com/products/wikicalc/) by Dan Bricklin, creator of VisiCalc. License STPL, core also under Artistic License.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1608
flag Jeppers
Jeppers will be a full featured Open Source (GPL) spreadsheet application written in Java. It will also provide LGPL spreadsheet components to be used by Java application developers.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1574
flag JavaScripTools
JavaScripTools is a set of JavaScript utilities, including: JavaScripTable (dynamic table with many features), Parsers (a set o powerfull parsers), InputMask (powerfull masks for user inputs) and JavaScriptUtil (a set of misc and useful functions).
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptSoftware»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1451
flag JWorkbook
JWorkbook is a class library for creating spreadsheet files from Java.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1352
flag Robert's Online Spreadsheet!
Cell syntax, Mathematical functions, Comparision functions, Boolean functions and Conditional functions
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1290
flag Formula One e.Spreadsheet Engine
The Formula One e.Spreadsheet Engine provides an API-driven component that Java developers use to embed Excel reporting functionality into projects deployed from J2EE application and Web servers.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1217
flag http://www.andykhan.com/jexcelapi/
This is the home page of Java Excel API - open source Java API which allows Java developers to read Excel spreadsheets and to generate Excel spreadsheets dynamically. In addition, it contains a mechanism which allows java applications to read in a spreadsheet, modify some cells and write out the new spreadsheet.
Directory Categories: Software»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1147
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