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Directory: JavaScript

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Useful JavaScript code


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flag Tikiwiki Mods !
Collections of user contributed themes, templates, plugins, and whatever else !
Directory Categories: Tiki SitesSoftwareTiki listingsUseful CodeUseful Code»PHPUseful Code»JavaScriptFree & Open Source images, animations & templates
Added: Last updated: Hits: 3697
flag Disable "Enter" Key in Form script
Is the user pressing the "Enter" key in the middle of your form causing inadvertent and incomplete form submissions? This script disable the "Enter" key when pressed inside chosen fields of your choice (most commonly <input type="text"> fields). Moreover, it then advances the cursor to the next field within the form.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 2144
flag Preload Image (with progress bar) Script
Use this script to not only preload any number of images before displaying them, but also, get a live update on it's progress through an update bar. Once the preloadiing is complete, the surfer is then directed to the page containing the preloaded images.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1986
flag SuperTable
))SuperTableis anObject-Oriented(( Javascript API for dynamically manipulating HTML tables. Features include column sorting, row filtering, pattern-based cell/row styling, auto-numbering sequence column, auto-hyphenation, and more.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptSoftware»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1894
flag http://TikiMODS.com
Trick-Out your Tiki! Lots of cool mods to make your Tiki site easier and more fun to use. This is where Colorado puts her custom Plugins, Themes, Templates, Javascripts and more. A very unique site dedicated to Tiki modding. There are some free downloads, demonstrations and instructions for jazzing up your TikiWiki!
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptFree & Open Source images, animations & templates
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1696
flag JavaScript User Interfaces
JavaScript User Interfaces is a reusable module-based JavaScript library for making graphical OS-like Dynamic HTML , or DHTML , objects such as windows, popup menus, taskbars, etc.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptSoftware»Menu
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1649
flag DOM Tooltip
DOM Tooltip allows developers to add customized tooltips to Web pages. The tooltips are controlled through style class definitions and respond to events such as "mouseover", and avoids possible collisions with form elements such as select boxes and screen edges. While originally designed to create context tooltips, it is also possible to create a wide variety of dynamic layers, such as embedded windows, context menus, and hidden blocks. Additional features include sticky tips, tooltip fading, lifetime, relative positioning, class assignments, width adjustments, mouse dragging, captions, directionality, offset adjustments, adjustable activate/deactivate delay times, snapping to grid, fate adjustment (hide or destroy), and references to created tips. It supports Mozilla/Netscape6+, IE 5.0+, Konqueror, and Opera 7.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptSoftware»Menu
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1574
flag JavaScripTools
JavaScripTools is a set of JavaScript utilities, including: JavaScripTable (dynamic table with many features), Parsers (a set o powerfull parsers), InputMask (powerfull masks for user inputs) and JavaScriptUtil (a set of misc and useful functions).
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptSoftware»Spreadsheet/table editor
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1467
flag Find In Page Script
This DHTML script simulates the Edit> Find In Page feature of the browser to allow your visitors to easily search for a particular text on your page. As in the "Find In Page" feature, it highlights the searched text if found, otherwise, prompts a "Not Found" message.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1431
flag DynAPI
The DynAPI project is designed to help enhance the DynAPI Dynamic HTML Library originally created by Dan Steinman.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1409
flag "Accept terms" form submission
Does your form contain an "Accept terms" section users must agree to before submitting the form? If so, this script helps enforce it, by disabling the submit button (in IE4+ and NS6+) or process (all other browsers) until he/she checks a box indicating compliance.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1361
flag Michael Bystrom Design | IOS
IOS is a virtual OS. It creates a virtual desktop in your browser window. You can drag, drop, move, open, close, type and more. IOS is your virtual operating system.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1340
flag Required field(s) validation
One of the most popular form validation tasks is to check that important fields within a form have been filled out by the user. This is a generic script that will do just that, by verifying that mandatory fields are filled in before form submission. If one or more of the required fields are empty, a popup dialog will appear showing the omitted fields.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1325
flag Home Hot Key Script
A script that jumps back "home" when a key is pressed. In other words, a script that allows you to specify a target url to go to when a key from the keyboard is pressed.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1317
flag Submit Once! Form validation
If you have forms on your site, you know they are extremely prone to abuse by users. Apart from incomplete or bogus entries, the most common offense is duplicate submissions by the same individual, caused by pressing the "Submit" button over and over and over again. Well, this DHTML script has a cure for the problem, by allowing you to disable the submit (and reset) button once it is pressed once.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1303
flag Cross-browser print button
Use this print button to allow your surfers to directly print a web page simply by clicking on the button
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1275
flag RelativeLayers
RelativeLayers is a Javascript library for creating dynamic designs that adapt themselves to the user's browser dimension. It supports Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Konqueror and Opera. Lots of website design concepts have been re-thought and optimized.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScriptSoftware»Menu
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1243
flag Highlight form element
Increase the "intuitiveness" of filling out forms on your site with this script. It applies coloring to the form element in focus, better indicating which one the user is currently on. Functions in both IE4+ and NS6+, degrading well as always with the rest.
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 1125
flag CHAP Login
"I originally wrote the MD5 implementation to improve security on a login form for a website I was making, running on a web space account with no SSL capability..."
Directory Categories: Useful Code»JavaScript
Added: Last updated: Hits: 949
Total directory categories: 98
Total links: 939
Links to validate: 259
Searches performed: 2517
Total links visited: 2517