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Creating bulleted, numbered, and definition lists

In Wiki pages and other contexts that support Wiki formatting (including articles, forums, and blogs), you can easily create bulleted, numbered, and definition lists. In numbered lists, Tiki numbers the items automatically. You can also create nested lists. The following sections explain the details; see the Quick Reference for an overview. Scroll down to Help! if something goes wrong.

Quick reference

Bulleted list
Numbered list
;term:definition Definition list

Tip If you forget which character to use while you're editing, click the Wiki Quick Help tab.

Creating a bulleted list

If you type an asterisk (*) at the beginning of a line, Tiki places a bullet (a black dot) at the beginning of the line. The line is indented and formatted with a hanging indent, so that second and subsequent lines are indented and aligned with the first line.

To create a bulleted list, do the following:

  1. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the line.
  2. Type an asterisk.
  3. Type the item's text.
  4. Press Enter.

Did something go wrong? See Help!! (below).

Creating a numbered list

If you type a hash mark (#) at the beginning of a line, Tiki numbers the line and indents it from the left margin. The item's text is formatted with a hanging indent, so that second and subsequent lines are indented and aligned with the first line.

To create a numbered list, do the following:

  1. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the line.
  2. Type a hash mark. Tiki supplies the period automatically.
  3. Type the item's text.
  4. Do one of the following:
    1. To continue typing items, press Enter once, and go to Step 2, above.
    2. To stop typing the list, press Enter twice.

Tip If you place more than one numbered list in a page, the items are separately numbered.

Did something go wrong? See Help!! (below)

Creating a nested list

A nested list is a bulleted or numbered list that has more than one level — that is, some items have "sub-items," as in the following example:

  • This is a Level 1 item.
  • This is another Level 1 item
    • This is a Level 2 item.
  • Yet another Level 1 item.
    • This is a Level 2 item.
      • Sub-items can have their own sub-items! This is Level 3.
  • Back to Level 1.

Tip In a bulleted list, you can create additional sub-levels beyond the third level, but Tiki doesn't use distinctive bullets beyond Level 3.

Here's a numbered list with nested levels:

  1. This is a Level 1 item.
  2. This is another Level 1 item
    1. This is a Level 2 item.
  3. Yet another Level 1 item.
    1. This is a Level 2 item.
    2. Another Level 2 item. Note the numbering.
      1. Sub-items can have their own sub-items! This is Level 3.
  4. Back to Level 1.

To create a nested list, type two or more asterisks (bulleted lists) or hash marks (numbered lists) at the beginning of the line, as shown in the following examples:

*Level 1 (bulleted list)
**Level 2 (bulleted list)
***Level 3 (bulleted list)

#Level 1 (numbered list)
##Level 2 (numbered list)
###Level 3 (numbered list)

Tip You can create deeper levels of nesting, but doing so might prove confusing to your readers.

Tip You can combine bulleted and numbered list items. Try it!

Creating a definition list

A definition list displays a term that is aligned flush left; the term's definition is positioned on the subsequent line and indented. Here's an example:

unordered list
A list in which the order of the items is unimportant; also called a bulleted list.

To create a definition list, do the following:

  1. At the beginning of a line, type a semicolon (;).
  2. Type the term to be defined.
  3. Type a colon (:).
  4. Type the definition.
    • Your line should look like this: ;term:definition
  5. Press Enter.
  6. Do one of the following:
    1. To type another item, go to Step 2, above.
    2. To end the list, press Enter again.

Tip Better definition lists can be created using the DL plugin.

Monospaced (preformatted) text

Monospaced text can be used to show portions of code or text that need to be properly aligned by means of manually entered spacing. (This feature corresponds to HTML's <pre> element.) When you create monospaced text, Tiki uses a monospaced font (such as Courier) and does not automatically break lines.

To create monospaced text, precede a line with one or more spaces.

Note If you don't see the monospaced font, your administrator has disabled this option.


  • If you don't see the bullet, and the line appears in a strange-looking typewriter font that goes on without breaking properly, you left a space at the beginning of the line. Click Edit, delete the space, and click Save.

  • If there's too much white space around the list, delete any blank lines you may have entered before or after the list.

Note Administrators can configure Tiki so that beginning-of-line spaces are not interpreted as the beginning of preformatted (monospace) text. On the Application Menu, click Admin and click the Wiki tab. Uncheck the Automonospaced Text option.

Try it out

You can try Wiki formatting on this site's Wiki SandBox. The page is intended for experimentation.


This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

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Page last modified on Tuesday 17 May 2005 18:44:20 GMT-0000

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