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History: Tiki Vision 2012

Preview of version: 9

Tiki is growing! At the TikiFestMontrealNov2008 about 25 members of the tiki community participated in a visioning exercise to capture the goals and objectives, bottlenecks and opportunities suggested by community members.

Please, please feel free to add further items or comments, this process has not stopped, it is on-going and we really need your comments and additions!

The following lists are the text of sticky notes that were posted on the wall. The outcome of this process is the Vision 2012 objectives.

These responses are answers to the question:

"How do we make Tiki more successful in the next 4 years"

Grouping Level 1 People

Grouping Level 1.1 – Guilds, Workshops and Lessons

Actions created:

Motivate people to support and represent Tiki Wiki
Attract people to give Tiki Lessons
Encourage people to provide workshops

Yellow Post It’s created

Present at conference
Tikifests become industry events (sponsored)
Tikifest 2012 to be held at the Javits Center
200 people attend Tikiwiki conventions
Clone Marc
Provider tickets for people to attend Tikifest

Grouping Level 1.2 – Community decisions, spirit and organisation

Actions created:

Define community structure
Keep the community spirit
Promote the Wiki WayCAT
Define how community decisions are madeNelson/Luci

Yellow Post It’s created

Involve homeless
Participatory Decision process for new features
A morphing community
Organic evolution
TW Person of the Year (Me)
Efficient and effective way to democratize
Keep the same spirit in the community
Resolve new/old conflicts
Peaceful resolution of conflict
Tiki Wiki Project
More work life today (Tikifest) with good/creative/professional people
Manage new influx effectively
Contributors who know each other
Working groups
A person or team behind each feature
Connected to each other
Get an Indian User Group
Stay open source
A place for everybody
Use immigrants
Shared values/focus
Distributed organisation
More modular organisation
Local user groups
Corporate Friendly
Know our users
Stay in touch with users
Local TikiWiki users
Find community Tiki evangelists and ‘Mini Marc’s’
Keep up internal dialogue
Development focus / teams
Strong belonging
Community votes proposals
Easy not to like TikiWiki
Show the inside
Fun to contribute
More inclusive for non-developers
Distributed and emergent leadership
Front end to Back end co-operation

Grouping Level 1.3 – Contributors

Actions created:

Attract the right mix of contributorsNelson
Identify international groups of roles for contributorsGary
Publish/define opportunities for groupsNelson/Gary
Publish things to do for potential contributorsGary
Get feedback and contribution by usersGary

Yellow Post It’s created

International community
Get more Asian languages
Spread the word
Easy to join/participate
Developers Guild
Low entry barrier
Explicit thank you for each contributor
A rainbow
Unleash talent and energy
Users become contributors
Better inclusive system to incorporate new people
Attractive for organisations
Corporate usage
Used in all types of organisations
More companies involved
Attract groups, companies, organisations
Double community each year
Get many consultants
Need more AJAX type resource / talent
More consultants for hire
Authorised consultants
New blood
Better mentoring
Encouraging committee back
Smaller contributions easier
Easy to contribute
Radical coders – best choice
Strong community
Have enough coders to do what we need
Encourage non dev to help
More power users helping
Developers, developers, developers, developers
Attract more volunteers
More manpower
Thousands of developers / contributors
More contributors
Full time developers
Full time contributors
Lots of developers
More developers
People Orphans
Code dependencies around Redhat releases
Observant of other solutions
Lynda.com for Tiki

Grouping Level 2 Marketing and Logo

Grouping Level 2.1 – Distribution

Actions created:

Establish distribution strategyNone
Profile template storeNone

Yellow Post It’s created

Distribution channels
Market it
Cater to certain crowds
Attract ‘cool’ influential groups/people e.g Mozilla
More high profile TW sites
Template marketplace
Embrace non browser access
‘App store’, ‘Theme store’, ‘Plug in store’
Profile store
Seamlessly operate in distributed architecture
Your solution – not a generic one

Grouping Level 2.2 – Evangelising

Actions created:

Establish a PR strategy

Yellow Post It’s created

Do open source for managers seminars
Participate in other open source events
Better communication – more events
Major credible supporters
Spokesman in the industry
Participation in events – on and off line
Encourage magazine reviews
Pro endorsement
Packaged in Linux distros
Tradeshow and conference representation

Grouping Level 2.3 – Branding Values

Actions created:

Define brandSS

Yellow Post It’s created

Why use Tiki?
Feature power user support
Bets user experience
Best in class
Strong unified brand
Very strong branding
Strong brand
Make it look credible
Appear credible
Make it fun
Fun to use
Solution you can count on
Friendly brand
The ‘everybody’ solution
Make collaboration for all
Welcome pack
Cool design
Great first impression
Stay friendly
Credible product name
Make tiki look sexy
Avoijd hacker look
Recognised CMS
Water brand

Grouping Level 2.4 – Branding Tools

Actions created:

Design Brand – website, logo etcSS

Yellow Post It’s created

Sexy marketing
Have a promotion website
Appealing homepage
Have a welcome pack
Have a reception homepage
Clean up TW.O websites (Structure information)
Fix the websites look
|One clear web home
Simple website homepage
Cleaned up website
One main website
Tikiwiki groupware/CMS x 2
Project/Product identity
Tag lines
More colours
World record for ….
PR stunts
Tiki merchandise
Theme song in .mp3 in package
Pet shirts
Run some pure fun events e.g. ‘sail round an island’
Name a pantone colour
Tiki information on cereal boxes
Branded cars
Get TikiWiki in a rockband song
Flexible design
Viral TikiWiki
Tree – Baobab
Coin new buzzword for what Tiki does
Cool Mascot
Accurate description on listings
Showcase usability via demo video
Demo videos x 2
Tiki as a product
Clear ‘Powered by … ‘ policy
Use it to run the UN
Do an article in Business Week
Easy way to add third party features

Grouping Level 3 Templates and Usability

Grouping Level 3.1 – Case studies and target users

Actions created:

Define target usersNone
Track and demonstrate usageNone

Yellow Post It’s created

Understanding use cases (translation)
Better knowledge of what people are doing with TikiWiki
Shareable success stories
Case studies x 2
List companies using TikiWiki
Know who uses Tikiwiki
Show Tiki strengths
Showcase benefits
Track usage
Get the web stats sorted out
Package certain features

Grouping Level 3.2 – UI

Actions created:

Usability surveyNone

Yellow Post It’s created

Nice UI
Simple/ easy good ergonomic usability
Usability test
Easy to use
Even more user friendly
User friendly

Grouping Level 4 Docs and Tools

Grouping Level 4.1 – Communications

Actions created:

Communicate internally

Yellow Post It’s created

Create and separate news about design/ergonomics
Centralised information – decentralised actions

Grouping Level 4.2 – Code Quality

Actions created:

Encourage quality codePKDille + Dac Chartrand

Yellow Post It’s created

Agile method
Better comments in code
Reliable Platform
Complete interface translations
Able to scale to 1000 + users
Access to bugs list by category and easy to see what is done
Facilitate code maintenance
More robust database performance
No single point of failure
No significant bugs
Code review ensure state of code understood
Keep it simple
Educative attractive code design
Increase quality of code
No bugs
Rock solid code
Make beautiful code fashionable
Facilitate code maintenance
Simple code

Grouping Level 4.3 – Install, back up and upgrade

Actions created:

Implement patch systemNone
Improve set upJyhem

Yellow Post It’s created

Easy set up
Easy back up
Windows installer for personal TW – wamp!
Data retention policy / feature (archival)
Configuration versioning
Easy to install and update
Easy enjoyable upgrade
Explain benefits of upgrades
Easy update
Out of the box solution
Install and off the ground in tem minutes
Easy to install
Install and forget
Easy first install / set up Easy to start using
Facilitate administration
Risk free upgrade
Why should I upgrade?
Simple config checking / comparison

Grouping Level 4.4 – Import Export

Actions created:

Implement import exportNone

Yellow Post It’s created

Sophisticated reporting
WISYWIG forms creator
Content is transformable into different formats
Excel to trackers import
Import tools to Drupal, Joomla etc
Export profile – tpr file
Fix re-naming problem
Word to Wiki (like Google docs)

Grouping Level 4.5 – Docs

Actions created:

Write docsmlpvolt

Yellow Post It’s created

Video tutorials
Help screen shot for no technical people
French docs x 2
Easy to understand
Link from Admin to Forum / FAQ
Appropriate information easily available
Better documentation x 5
Mark old stuff on doc.two

Grouping Level 4.6 – Books and Dev Guides

Actions created:

Write booksmlpvolt
Write guidesmlpvolt

Yellow Post It’s created

Publish Tiki book x 8
Write guides
Style guides
More clear development guides
Training for new developers
Docs for techies x 3

Grouping Level 4.7 – Support

Actions created:

Organise trainingmlpvolt
Provide supportmlpvolt

Yellow Post It’s created

Easy to find an answer
Have a need help site
Availability of support options
Training options

Grouping Level 5 General

Grouping Level 5.1 – Eco system

Actions created:

Define ecosystemPascal

Yellow Post It’s created

Strong ecosystem (dev/apps/user)
Commercial ecosystem
Healthy ecosystem

Grouping Level 5.2 – Inter app compatibility

Actions created:

Monitor compatibilityNone

Yellow Post It’s created

No vendor lock in
Supports all major DB vendors
Tiki widget or similar

Grouping Level 5.3 – SaaS

Actions created:

Support hostingNone

Yellow Post It’s created

Hosted solutions
Web operating system
P2P / Distributed

Actions created:

Make foundationPascal St Jean

Yellow Post It’s created

Make foundation x 3
Balance of influence
Community not individual / company
Legal fighting fund
Sound legal structure
Corporate donations
Financially self reliant
Alliances, collaborations with other projects
Actual Tiki house

Grouping Level 5.5 – Leadership Position

Actions created:

Pursue leadership positionNone

Yellow Post It’s created

Model netizen
Top 100 SourceForge
Become a market disruptor
Continue growing with passion
Optimal ideal community
Green soft
Uses standards
Never follows always leads
Challenge status quo

Grouping Level 5.6 – Vision

Actions created:

Define goalsKerrne/22
Draft mission/visionKerrne/22

Yellow Post It’s created

Clearly defined core features
Clarity of vision
Help people
What about the kitchen sink?
Decisions – Yes/No
Dog food
Use it more ourselves
New features
Keeping up to date
Regular releases
Long term thinking
Steering committee
Resolve governance questions
More structured organisation
More Wiki Way
Have a welcoming committee
Expand Wiki definition
Just Wiki it (it’s safe)
Wiki Way
Promote Wiki centric solutions
Clearly defined short and medium term goals
Incorporate next generation technology
Ten of millions of installs

Grouping Level 3.3 – Themes

Actions created:

Build a community of theme buildersGary
Adopt power themes e.g. WordpressGary

Yellow Post It’s created

Prize for best template
Template guild
Template guide
Graphic design and template guide
Easy to create theme
Top quality themes
21st century themes
Sexy themes
Nice themes selection
Good looking basic themes
Theme choice on install
Theme generator
Advertise for graphic designers

General un-grouped items

Excellent TCO
Download usage 1:1 policy
Morphing Tool
Risk free open sourcing
Collaborative development platform
Be able to measure vitality
Feature owners
Good because free and open source
Google summer of code
Integrate social networking collaboration tools
Fashion statement


Information Version
Mike 17
Mike Added contents to make it easier to get to the sections.....it's a long page. 16
Mike Added context to the Vision section. 15
Mike Added area to add context for Vision statements. 14
Mike Link to kerrnel22's page 13
conner_bw 12
Jean-Marc Libs 11
MatWho 10
MatWho 9
MatWho 8
mlpvolt 7
mlpvolt 6
mlpvolt 5
mlpvolt 4
mlpvolt 3
mlpvolt 2
mlpvolt 1

Upcoming Events

1)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
Tiki birthday
3)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
4)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting