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Architecture / Installation


posts: 79 United States
Jeffrey Frady wrote:

Hello, I've been having difficulties upgrading a need a little sanity check.

Currently I have Tiki 25.3 running on Ubuntu Server. To upgrade to a newer version of Tiki I will need to upgrade PHP. I have PHP 7.4.xx and MySQL 8.0.xx.

Upgrade roadmap for me should be the following...

  1. Upgrade PHP from 7.4.xx to 8.4
  2. Leave MySQL as is
  3. Upgrade Tiki 25.3 to 28.0
  4. Configure PHP settings

I will be performing all of these functions remotely with no physical access to the machine. If I fail to upgrade to 28.0, I plan to revert back by downgrading PHP back to 7.4 and reloading Tiki 25.3.

Just one more thought, I'm not against paying someone to help me do this. I literally taught myself Linux server administration to run Tiki.

I was able to upgrade from Tiki 25.3 to Tiki 27.1

I removed all instances of PHP by running

Copy to clipboard
sudo apt-get purge `dpkg -l | grep php| awk '{print $2}' |tr "\n" " "`

Then I installed the newest default PHP from my repository which was 8.3.

Then I was able to install Tiki 27.1. Upgrade was successful. I did notice some slight formatting changes. Could be theme specific. The font appears altered and the dropdown boxes for dates appears to overlap. Otherwise, so far so good.

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