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Note : "FeatureX" stand for "any feature" (or what concerns all features).

Let's take an example of ))FeatureX(( and illustrate how we could organize its documentation. FeatureX could be Blogs, DBabstraction or any other of the 40-50 major features. A list of major features is kept at TikiFeatures.

All information related to FeatureX should be included in:

  • FeatureXGloss - short glossary definition, for everyone
    • Using the INCLUDE Wiki tag, this blurb can be quickly inserted into any or all of the following ))FeatureX(( pages.
    • See the Wiki syntax of Directory for an example.
      • {INCLUDE(page=>DirectoryGloss)}{INCLUDE}
  • FeatureX - general info, for everyone
  • FeatureXDoc - what FeatureX does NOW, for users
  • FeatureXDev - what FeatureX will do LATER, for developers
  • FeatureXAdmin - how to configure FeatureX, for all site admins
  • FeatureXSettings - site-wide configurations, for the head TikiAdmin and/or SysAdmin, when applicable
    • Mainly, these are the settings made from TikiAdminSettings.

Please do not create a page if it doesn't apply. Specifically, do not create a FeatureXDoc page for an admin-only feature. Please add the info to FeatureXAdmin instead.


  • DirectoryGloss
  • Directory
  • DirectoryDoc
  • DirectoryDev
  • DirectoryAdmin
  • DirectorySettings


  • DbAbstraction
  • DbAbstractionDev
  • DbAbstractionAdmin

We will use the HotWord feature to automagically link to the feature when it has only one word.

We could have different templates for the each. ex.: feature is Blue, Doc is Green, Dev is Red, Admin is Yellow, etc

These pages are consistently linked together. It has to be very easy to go from one to the next. There are content templates for Feature, FeatureDoc, FeatureDev, FeatureAdmin to help everyone be consistent.

We should try to keep the dev mailing list & general forums for things which are not covered by these "FeatureX" forums.

Each wiki pages is subdivided in section. Clever use of the new expand/collapse feature is a good idea.

FeatureX wiki page


FeatureXDoc wiki page (what featureX does NOW)


FeatureXDev wiki page (what featureX will do LATER)


Here is a proposal for a typical page of a complex feature. Some features may not warrant as much detail.







Competition and standards


CVS Doc section




Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 17:51:11 GMT-0000

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