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mose -
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--._______________________________________________.--------------------| | _____ _ _ _ _ _ | n° 001 | | |_ _(_) | _(_) \ | | _____ _____ | | | | | | | |/ / | \| |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __| | | | | | | | <| | |\ | __/\ V V /\__ \ | | | |_| |_|_|\_\_|_| \_|\___| \_/\_/ |___/ | | | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 2003.09.13 | __| " What is new in TikiWiki Community ? " |____________________| '-----------------------------------------------'

Reshuffle of the Tikiwiki.org forums

patvdv -

We are currently moving the forums on tikiwiki.org around a bit to better accommodate the needs of our growing community. Posts that were submitted in appropriate forums are being moved to a better location. Most of these are 'support'-type of messages for which we have created a new category 'Tikiwiki support' and some new forums that are specific for getting help with Tiki:

Luis Interview by mose

mose, luis -

Interview of Luis about TikiWiki

You already know Tikiwiki, the living CMS/groupware solution avalaible under LGPL licence. Luis Argerich is the first authors of that web application. He's the source of the source, and, guess what, he's also open source. So, here is the code. Questions are from mose, answers come from Luis, expect some technical parts.

tikiwiki.org is *not* a demo site

Terence -

Please do not conduct your TikiWiki tests on this website. tikiwiki.org is not a demo site. You may doodle in the Sandbox; anything more should be done on a demo site, like the Tiki 1.7.x Test/Demo Site.

Thank you for helping us make tikiwiki.org a useful place for both users and developers.

Tiki 1.7 -Eta Carinae- released

marclaporte -

Tiki 1.7 features over 150 changes (new features, usability enhancements or bugfixes) and a general improvement in usability and look and feel. New features: Galaxia Workflow Engine, JgraphPad integration, WAP & VoiceXML support, Live support system, Event Calendar, phpOpenTracker inegration, Charts and rankings, Print2PDF, Short URLs, Enhanced Install system incl. multisite feature, Banning system, Copyrights management System, Improved forums & blogs, WYSIWYG editor for blogs, UTF-8 encoding for emails and rss, Tiki Debugger Console, Improved general UI for users and admins, Multi page articles, Enhanced Category & structure systems, Many new themes, Script/robotic user registration blocker.

Download now!

Missing articles restored

Terence -

As some of you may have noticed, all but one of the articles on tikiwiki.org disappeared today. They have all been restored, to the best of my knowledge. Rest assured that the disappearing articles had everything to do with my (Terence's) ineptitude and nothing to do with the security bug found in v1.7 RC3.

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5)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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7)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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