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Tiki at FOSDEM 2016

Jan Bambach -

570 speakers, 609 lectures, 619 events more than 5000 hackers and two days - that's the best way to sum up what the annual event for Free and Open Source developers was like this year. Read more about our presence to find out how we reached out to the community.


Important Security Fix for all versions of Tiki

gezza -

The Tiki Community wishes to alert all users of an important security fix included in the new minor releases of all supported versions of Tiki (14.2, 12.5 LTS, 9.11 LTS and 6.15)

In particular, there is a critical issue that could allow arbitrary code execution affecting the calendar feature.

All users should immediately upgrade their Tiki installations, and if that is not possible, at least disable the calendar feature, or at the very minimum make the calendar feature accessible only to trusted users, until the upgrade can be completed.

Downloads are available at: http://tiki.org/download

Thanks to Dany Ouellet (http://securesc.ca/) for reporting the vulnerability!

Release of Tiki 14.2 and new minor releases of all supported Tiki versions

gezza -

The Tiki community is pleased to announce Tiki 14.2, the latest stable Tiki version featuring numerous new features and fixes

Tiki users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version.

For more information, see https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki14.

To download the current stable Tiki, see https://tiki.org/Download

At the same time all supported Tiki versions have been updated, namely 12.5 LTS, 9.11 LTS and even 6.15

These versions contain bug fixes and security enhancements, all Tiki users are recommended to upgrade to the latest versions as soon as possible.

To download previous Tiki versions, see: https://tiki.org/Download

To read more about the security fix please read the article here: https://tiki.org/article414-Important-Security-Fix-for-all-versions-of-Tiki

Tiki 14.1 released

gezza -

The Tiki community is pleased to announce the release of Tiki 14.1, the latest stable version of Tiki.

This release features numerous bug fixes and enhancements with over 500 code commits since the release of version 14.0.

All Tiki users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

For more information about Tiki 14, see https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki14.

To download Tiki, see https://tiki.org/Download.

Release of Tiki 14 and new minor releases of all supported Tiki versions

Nelson -

The Tiki community is pleased to announce the release of the latest stable version of Tiki featuring numerous new features and the Bootstrap CSS framework in action. At the same time, releasing updated versions of all supported versions of Tiki. These versions contain bug fixes and security enhancements (e.g. fixes a number of XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities). All Tiki users are recommended to upgrade to the latest versions as soon as possible.

For more information about Tiki 14, see https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki14. There has been over a 1000 code commits between the releases of version 13.0 and 14.0. To download Tiki, see https://info.tiki.org/Download.

Tiki 14.0 Beta

Rick -

The latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, 14.0, is now available as a Beta release. All Tiki Community members are encouraged to download and test the beta.

Tiki 14.0 includes lots of new features and enhancements. Refer to http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki14 for complete information. If you will be helping to test this beta, please be sure to review the devmopment page (http://dev.tiki.org/Tiki14), too, for additional details.

You can download Tiki 14.0 Beta (and all other Tiki versions) from tiki.org/download.

Please report all issues to the Tiki development team by using the Tiki Develpoment site: http://dev.tiki.org/Development.

Community Interview with Steve Cichosz

Rick -

In the latest Tiki Community Interview, we talk with Tiki community member Steve Cichosz about the benefits of using the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

Steve is a 30 year veteran of the technology industry and the founder of Technology Advocates, a company established to help the average person navigate the Internet Superhighway. Steve started working with large scale computers back when punchcards were the norm. Throughout the years, Steve has consulted internationally with major corporations, worked in startups, and been employed by the Fortune 500 companies.

This video, part of an on-going series, highlights members of the Tiki Community, is produced by Daniel Gauthier. Daniel is a video producer entrepreneur and has been a Tiki Community member since 2009.

You can see the full interview at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU90DJbOpfk

Tiki 13.1, 12.3 LTS und 9.9 LTS (previous) veröffentlicht

Torsten Fabricius -

The Tiki Community freut sich, das Release der neuesten Upgrades ihrer drei aktuellen Stable Versionen bekannt zu geben.

Gestern, am 14. November haben wir Tiki 13.1 Stable herausgebracht, die aktuellste Stable Version der Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. Dies ist auch gleichzeitig die letzte Version dieses kurzen 13er Zweiges, da in zwei Wochen die Präsentation (Branching) von Tiki 14 geplant ist und Tiki 14.0 noch vor Ende diesen Jahres herauskommen wird.

Weiterhin haben wir den aktuellen LTS Zweig aktualisiert. Wenn Du ein produktives Projekt betreust, das auf eine langzeitbetreute Version angewiesen ist, kannst Du Tiki 12.3 LTS über den unten angegebenen Link herunterladen. Der Tiki 12.x Zweig wird bis Ende 2018 unterstützt, jedoch wird das Responsive Design Framework Bootstrap definitiv NICHT in 12.x integriert werden.

Last but not least, schliesslich heisst Long Term Support bekanntlich Unterstützung für mehrere Jahre, haben wir uns auch um Tiki 9 gekümmert und ein paar Securityfixes eingepflegt. Damit bieten wir die neueste Version Tiki 9.9 LTS zum sofortigen herunterladen und upgraden an.

13.1 Stable

Fixes, stabilisation and enhancements (158 new commits)
Download Tiki 13.1

12.3 LTS

Fixes and minor enhancements (194 new commits)
Download Tiki 12.3

9.9 LTS previous

Security and minor fixes (6 new commits)
Download Tiki 9.9

Tiki 13.1, 12.3 LTS and 9.9 LTS (previous) released at 14th of Nov. 2014

Torsten Fabricius -

The Tiki Community is pleased to announce the release of the three current maintained stable versions upgrades of our marvellous software.

Yesterday on 14th of November we released Tiki 13.1 Stable, the latest stable version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This will be the last version of the short 13.x branch, as the branching of 14 is planned fortnight and the release of 14.0 is scheduled not after end of this year.

Aswell we have upgraded the current LTS branch. If you have critical productive projects and rely on long term support, you can download Tiki 12.3 LTS by using the link below. Support of Tiki 12.x will be continued until end of 2018, whereby the responsive design framework Bootstrap will NOT be backported to 12.x

Last but not least, as long term support lasts for several years, we cared about Tiki 9 aswell and added a few security and minor fixes. Thus we offer the latest version Tiki 9.9 LTS for immediate download and upgrade.

13.1 Stable

Fixes, stabilisation and enhancements (158 new commits)
Download Tiki 13.1

12.3 LTS

Fixes and minor enhancements (194 new commits)
Download Tiki 12.3

9.9 LTS previous

Security and minor fixes (6 new commits)
Download Tiki 9.9

Upcoming Events

1)  18 Jul 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
2)  15 Aug 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
3)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
Tiki birthday
5)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
7)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting