After one alpha and one beta release in February, and the RC1 (Release Candidate) version released on March 11th, the Tiki 21.0 final was released on March 19th, 2020. Huge thanks to Roberto and everyone who helped the Release Team!
option in doc/devtools/release.php
. For the first time in history we release Tiki using Git! Thanks also to Jonny for testing a tarball in the process of release.
Also many thanks to our developers, contributors, supporters, bug reporters and new feature requests (aka wishes) submitters!
Special thanks to RedTeam (Pablo Sebastián Arias Rodríguez, Rubén Barberá Pérez, Jorge Alberto Palma Reyes) of CSIRT-CV, CERT of the Valencia Regional Government (Spain) for reporting security issues and for their cooperation!
Tiki 21 is new major long term support version and its requirements have changed, with PHP 7.2 as the minimum PHP version, so please keep that in mind while installing.
Most significant changes include:
- Calendar – CalDAV support
- Console – new command actions
- Custom Admin Panels using PluginPreference
- Cypht webmail integration improvements
- PDF – upgraded from mPDF v7 to v8
- Progressive web app (PWA) support
- Templated Groups
- Two-factor authentication (2FA) support
- VueJS integration
For more details please see the Documentation.
About the star code name
As we had the new major version to be released we needed a new star name for it. So UY Scuti was chosen for Tiki 21!
UY Scuti is known as one of the biggest stars we know so far. It can be found in the Scutum constellation but it is not the brightest star on the night sky.
If you are interested to learn more, feel free to read the Wikipedia article.
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