History: Packaging Team
Preview of version: 55
The Packaging Team involves making Tiki easily deployable on various platforms and 1-click installers.
Release responsibilities
- Run Release scripts for packaging all releases (Alpha/Beta/RCs/Official)
- Make sure everything is OK with Packages
- Submit to and keep up to date each of the 1-click installers and Distro
- Maintain Installation guides
- Coordinate with Bluehost / SimpleScripts
Tax info from Finance Team - Versions are outdated: https://www.simplescripts.com/script_details/install:TikiWikiCmsGroupware#versions (+ LTS discussion)
- But v3 is different
- Coordinate with Bitnami (Greg Martin)
- Coordinate with Cloudways (Greg Martin)
- ISPConfig now offers "APS package installer", but APS is still offering Tiki 3.x
- Look into http://www.standingcloud.com/search/node/tiki
- Try to get on http://bitnami.com/stack/xampp
- Investigate docker.io
- Coordinate with 1-click installers
- Microsoft Web Platform installer WebPI coordination and package updates
- Relations with Microsoft
- Keeping things tidy at https://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/
- Move old stuff to the Old_Stuff folder: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/
- Make Tiki the best possible platform for a hosting company
- Coordinate with Distros
- Decide what do to with EC2
- Negotiate with hosting companies for hosting and affiliate agreements (Marc)
- Testing Tiki installations on major Shared Hosting companies (Marc)
- Remove stuff from the package
- doc/stable.version
- unstable.version
- Replace changelog.txt with a link to tiki.org/Changelog, which itself redirects to SourceForge's SVN view
- Improve the release process
- Improve Tiki Server Check
- Improve Tiki Permission Check
- Improve the installer
- Reduce disk space
Tiki is not working on WebPI 3.0 - Related to Testing Tiki installations on major Shared Hosting companies, investigate for a way to set permissions properly from the .zip Ex.: on http://bluehost.tiki.org/92b1/, there was an error 500 until sh setup.sh was run
- Review USB Tiki
- Make doc more complete
- How about a script to automate?
Background info
- http://producingoss.com/en/packaging.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_package_(installation)
- http://redmonk.com/dberkholz/2012/07/23/what-is-packaging-its-all-about-the-barrier-to-entry/
- The Software Package Data Exchange® (SPDX®) specification is a standard format for communicating the components, licenses and copyrights associated with a software package.
- https://hub.docker.com/r/montefuscolo/tiki-wiki/
- http://openbuildservice.org/
- https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm
- https://github.com/liip/packaging