Tiki Website Gardeners' Blog
comments_archive : enabled
feature_inline_comments : enabled
Looking to add some documentation, I was reminded of the old and completely useless pages that should be filtered out of sight in some way so, in line with the proposal here — Proposal for Handling Old Pages — I added Retired and Archived categories at doc.tiki.org. Retired is admin-accessible-only and is for pages that no longer have useful information, and Archived is Registered-accessible-only and is for pages that may still have some value but that it's better for casual visitors and search engines not to see.
Probably most pages that will be affected by this sorting will go into Retired, but I thought the Archived category might be useful for borderline cases.
Of course many of the remaining pages have sections that are out of date, etc., but need to stay public. On these pages, I suggest that information referring to old Tiki versions that are no longer supported should be deleted from the page, if the information is counter to current practices or otherwise not helpful. It still exists in the page versions history if anyone needs to see it. A note could be added on the page explaining that, but this might just be more clutter so maybe it's better not to bother.
A few days ago i was trying to do a search on dev but the facets were broken, i think because there were too many of them, making the GET request too big, so i added a bunch of not so interesting fields to the search_excluded_facets
There probably should be some sort of self limiting mechanism, possibly to do as part of the search front end revamp i've heard talk of (but can't find a page about)
Now activated: Url Suffix Cleaner
On forumthread78976-How-Where-to-include-install-and-use-foreign-Vue-components-eg-range-slider-from-unpkg-etc#threadId78984, there is a link which now is functional.
Once this is more tested, we can turn on for other *.tiki.org sites.
Preference name tiki_minify_javascript disabled
Details here:
Changed here:
- https://tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=general
- https://doc.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=general
- https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=general
- https://themes.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=general
- https://profiles.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=general
- https://branding.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=general
So it should be more consistent, and it well help us focus on higher priority message.
We will eventually setup GlitchTip on Pre-dogfood servers for Tiki 26 release process
Following up on the decision at the recent Tiki Admin Group meeting, I added the permission to read the Gardeners' Blog to anonymous visitors (and so also search engines, etc.). Before changing the permission, I took a trip down memory lane as I read through all the posts (quite a few, but they're short ) to make sure, as requested, that no sensitive information would be revealed.
Also, as decided at the meeting, TogetherJS and Google Analytics have been deactivated.
The wiki pages of the most recent two Tiki Admin Group meetings were missing from the structure for these pages, and so were added to it. There should probably be a comment on the TAG meeting wiki content template to be sure to add new pages to the structure.
I put error_tracking_sample_rate to .05 so when we re-open, we only get a sample of the errors.
error_tracking_enabled_php: off for now
error_tracking_enabled_js: off for now