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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Perhaps this page should merge with TwoRevamp and twoRevamp? Or there should be a general Revamp page which applies to all, and with sections and even perhaps separate pages which apply to certain sub-domains.


  • Add a link Register on register unless user is logged in. with a tootip Register an account on, the accounts are usable instantly on many *.tiki.org domains, with the same login and password.
  • Cleanup up use of Google Analytics, by using plugin

Should be in general guidelines

  • Use wiki page includes to avoid duplication. A good example: Team
  • Use page aliases to avoid duplication/redirects
  • No WikiWords
  • Tiki Manual of Style should be made more generic (not just for docs) and applied to all sites.
  • don't delete pages, put them to the archive category (comes good for performance dogfooding)

Short term

  • Should a "Chat" link be at the top?
  • Harmonize copyright notice in footer
  • Perhaps info intro page should have more the use cases than the features?
  • Tiki Feature Checklist should have more.
  • Menu is chopping "Tiki Software Community Association" to "Tiki Software Commun"
  • Why is {toc} making an error on Help?
  • Get rid of all the redirects and replace by aliases


  • Merge news on info & community (and have rewrite rules and not loose hit stats) but Where?
  • Tweak the search template to search the same term on other sites or Google Site Search (/home/infotw/infotwo-tiki2/templates/styles/info_tw_org/tiki-searchindex.tpl)
  • See with ricks99 about any goodies at /home/infotw/infotwo-tiki2/templates/styles/info_tw_org/*.tpl

Long Term

To be classified

    • Make a common footer for all sites
      • (The CSS for the nice footer is already in strasa.css, from Patrick's original design. I'll implement it. - Gary)
    • Same 6 sites, but with 3-7 most important links within
    • Links to other sites (de.tiki.org, stats.tiki.org, etc.)
    • Perhaps Social Networking and Partners (Zend, SourceForgeLogo, etc)
  • Rewrite Rules inconsistency
  • Harmonize the list pages on all 6 sites
  • Remove IP in view history from all except editors
  • found some nice social bookmark icons at Iconspedia, the license says it is "free", but maybe someone who speaks french could check it at the author's site

Related links

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:53:34 GMT-0000

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