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pmorry, Tuesday 30 December 2003, 10:57:15 GMT-0000
Where can I find help on administration of pages in tikiwiki ? I would like to know if it Would be possible to make new pages inherit permissions from their parent page ?
dscassa, Tuesday 30 December 2003, 08:02:23 GMT-0000
How can I simply 'reset' the default permissions configuration without reloading the entire TikiWiki original .sql?
george.geller, Tuesday 30 December 2003, 00:59:26 GMT-0000
bluemacon: See UserPagegeorge.geller, near the bottom.
bluemacon, Monday 29 December 2003, 16:33:18 GMT-0000
what's the trick (file mod) for handling very large file uploads? im getting various errors...
Chealer9, Monday 29 December 2003, 08:35:59 GMT-0000
ardlina you could get an idea at TikiReleasesDoc...it just works :?
ardlina, Monday 29 December 2003, 04:03:14 GMT-0000
Does anybody know how to solve the following problem ? || ((ToTo|toto)) || the | is considered as an array separation instead of page name overload.
george.geller, Monday 29 December 2003, 03:11:47 GMT-0000
tikidblib.php is broken in the current cvs head. It has a bunch of typos related to today's merge.
Chealer9, Monday 29 December 2003, 03:02:08 GMT-0000
The tw.o forums are working again! 😊 Thank redflo!
Damian, Sunday 28 December 2003, 22:04:06 GMT-0000
george.geller, Sunday 28 December 2003, 17:51:49 GMT-0000
tiki-install.php fails on cvs HEAD. See UserPagegeorge.geller
skelly, Sunday 28 December 2003, 17:35:31 GMT-0000
Why do the calendar fonts appear so small and virutually unreadable in IE 6+ ?
bradb, Sunday 28 December 2003, 10:02:40 GMT-0000
2004 calendar is busted - dates are displayed on the wrong day of the week even though they say the correct day.
Chealer9, Sunday 28 December 2003, 08:26:25 GMT-0000
Happy holydays from Canada!
seanbracken, Sunday 28 December 2003, 08:23:52 GMT-0000
Happy Holiday fro Ireland
george.geller, Sunday 28 December 2003, 06:34:13 GMT-0000
tiki-install.php is working with cvs BRANCH-1-8 and the Default installation profile.
george.geller, Sunday 28 December 2003, 00:17:09 GMT-0000
It's the BasicEnabled Profile for easy use that seems to be causing the big problem for tiki-install.php.
george.geller, Saturday 27 December 2003, 23:58:44 GMT-0000
I think tiki-install.php is busted on the current head from CVS.
marian, Saturday 27 December 2003, 13:10:05 GMT-0000
mose, Saturday 27 December 2003, 00:09:40 GMT-0000
Please shuyang don't use tikiwiki.org for your personnal stuff. Install one and use yours rather.
shuyang, Friday 26 December 2003, 23:26:25 GMT-0000
Who can tell me how big size file I can upload into attach file?
modules, Friday 26 December 2003, 16:45:46 GMT-0000
hi together.
musus, Friday 26 December 2003, 05:17:51 GMT-0000
jangseungwook: come on #tikiwiki. We'll help you through it.
musus, Friday 26 December 2003, 05:16:37 GMT-0000
Same to you, colorado! 😊
jangseungwook, Friday 26 December 2003, 02:06:22 GMT-0000
I can't logon as admin. How can I find admin's password. Please help me ~
colorado, Thursday 25 December 2003, 18:25:32 GMT-0000