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History: Teams

Preview of version: 174

See also About Tiki Teams. The list is split between technical (developers, sysadmins, etc.) and non technical (power users, translators, writers, etc.) and as you can see, there are more no technical teams, so plenty of opportunities for you to get involved!

Thinking about participating? Talk to us on IRC.

Tiki Admin Group

The Tiki Admin Group is responsible for governance, overall coordination and all the rest including whatever that might fall between the cracks ๐Ÿ˜€.

Non-Technical teams

i18n (translations)

i18n Team is everything related to language strings, translations and localizations (l10n) and increase the number of languages in Tiki.

Wishlist Triage (bug reports, feature requests)

The Wishlist Triage Team reviews patches, bug reports and feature requests and prioritizes and categorizes them. They just triage but don't fix. They identify potential contributors and encourage them to go beyond bug reporting. Also known as task garderners. Team leader: luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™


The Dogfood Team ensures that all *.tiki.org sites are configured and working well, according to the software engineering principle of "Eating your own dog food". Team leaders: luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ and Roberto Kirschbaum

Configuration Profiles


The Documentation Team has the challenge of maintaining documentation for what Tiki does, hundreds of features, over 1000 pages, and a new major release every 8 months!


Video Authoring

The Video Authoring Team involves everything to do with videos in Tiki, e.g. interviews, how-to instructional videos, etc..

The Legal Team handles everything to do with copyrights, licenses, etc. for content and software and helps the Tiki Software Community Association.


The Fundraising Team handles everything to do with donations, advertising and sponsors for the Tiki Software Community Association.


The Finance Team handles everything to do with accounting, and managing the assets of the Tiki Software Community Association (Ex.: domain names)

Consulting Ecosystem

Community Building



The Communications Team is responsible primarily for our external message (press releases, newsletters, social media, etc.)

Branding vs communications vs community building

We recently spun off Branding Team from Communications Team as a separate team. There is also an overlap with Community Building Team. The following table provides some insight on the differences.

Publishing official News about Tiki Communications Team
Our official presence on Twitter, Facebook, etc. Communications Team
Generally promoting Tiki on social media Community Building
Posting articles about Tiki on your own blog/site Community Building
For people to have a good impression when they visit Branding
For people to understand what we do Branding
Developing a style guide for visual and textual communication Branding
To have lots of traffic and good SEO Communications Team can coordinate but everyone can help

Technical Teams




The Infrastructure Team is responsible for *.tiki.org hosting, server administration, domains, uptime, etc. AKA: devops, sysadmin.


The Security Team is a trusted group. This team is responsible to review security reports and to proceed to a pro-active audit at each major release. Security Team members are added by vote by the Admins following recommendations of current members.


The Performance Team is interested in high-performance and high availability of Tiki. Tiki should not cause performance bottlenecks on shared hosting, should have options to allow it to be used in highly scalable clustered environments, and high-availability configurations.

User Experience (UX) & Themes

The UX and Themes Team is responsible to make Tiki look good and be enjoyable to use for visitors and content creators, and coordinates theme development.

Continuous Integration

The Continuous Integration Team focuses on all automation aspects to catch bugs early and to keep the quality high (unit tests, etc.)





Information Version
Marc Laporte This is role we need to specify for EvoluData 180
Gary Cunningham-Lee 179
Marc Laporte 178
Marc Laporte 177
Marc Laporte A good illustration 176
Marc Laporte 175
Marc Laporte I don't want in the TOC 174
Marc Laporte Harmonizing team order with https://tiki.org/Lists-of-members-of-all-Teams 173
Marc Laporte 172
Marc Laporte 171
Marc Laporte 170
Marc Laporte For splitting dev team: It's too hard to split. There are too much gray zones // And for Advisory board: moving idea to own page 169
Marc Laporte I thought about it. No point in splitting. Moving this to Community Building 168
Marc Laporte 167
Marc Laporte Split between technical and non technical. Testing has both manual and automated testing, which is technical. UX involved designers, but also need technical people to make it happen (theme integrators) 166
Marc Laporte This team won't come back 165
Marc Laporte I think we'll close this one for reasons explained on the page 164
Marc Laporte Remove redundant "Team" in the title since the page is all about teams 163
Marc Laporte 2nd section now redundant 162
Marc Laporte Roles vs Teams just adds confusion. We need teams of people that take responsibility and do stuff. Some teams will 0 or 1 members and it's our job to find doers and make it happen. 161
Marc Laporte Roles vs Teams just adds confusion. We need teams of people that take responsibility and do stuff. Some teams will 0 or 1 members and it's our job to find doers and make it happen. 160
Marc Laporte The people proposing this have disappeared and there is too much overlap with other team 159
drsassafras grammer and spelling fixes 158
Nelson Ko 157
Nelson Ko 156