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VoxClam, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 20:09:41 GMT-0000
Hi again - thanks - it was the :: in moreneat.css that fooled me - appreciate the quick reply!
rpg, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 20:03:55 GMT-0000
What's the best way to structure trackers --- if you want to have trackers for multiple projects, for example? AFAICT, we can't use categories for this....
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 19:33:17 GMT-0000
VoxClan: Expand Articles and its under that menu
VoxClam, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 19:31:34 GMT-0000
Hello - quick question - where is Admin Topics in 1.7.4? Can't find it, so Articles are not working. Tnx.
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 18:02:27 GMT-0000
Possibile permissions too
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 18:02:17 GMT-0000
rpg: Check your enabled features and your homepage settings on admin->General
rpg, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 17:56:08 GMT-0000
Nemmine. That seems to have been a protections problem that solved itself (possibly exacerbated by caching).
bluemacon, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 17:49:01 GMT-0000
thanks damian and marcius for the info...
rpg, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 17:23:29 GMT-0000
I'm just brining up TikiWiki for the first time. Dumb question: what goes in the MIDDLE of a page when a user logs in? they get modules on the left, but only an "Error: this module not active" in the middle. How can I make them see the home page?
bluemacon, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:34:38 GMT-0000
bluemacon, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:32:16 GMT-0000
thanks damian. is there anywhere you could suggest i look?
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:29:38 GMT-0000
bluemacon: in 1.8 there was a fix for windows login problem I dont know if it applies to 1.7 or not
bluemacon, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:11:04 GMT-0000
no i was using 1.7.4
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:10:06 GMT-0000
Are you using 1.8 Release Candiate 2 ?
bluemacon, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:07:39 GMT-0000
hey damian. im a dork, but not a geek. what is RC2? I am on winxp pro...
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:04:58 GMT-0000
bluemacon are you RC2 on a windows machine?
bluemacon, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 16:01:44 GMT-0000
hi all. thanks for all of the past help. i have a local install going, and when i come back in the morning after a night of work, i can't login. does anyone know what this is about? Kind regards...
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 15:13:03 GMT-0000
pooh_ Could you maybe link some of the wiki pages to [tiki-print.php?page=PageName] instead of ((PageName))
Damian, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 15:11:00 GMT-0000
MagicJab: By jobs do you mean Tiki Development work? goto [[Link] 😊
pooh_, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 11:47:56 GMT-0000
How can I dismiss left and right colums for _SOME_ wiki pages, not all of the wiki?
One_Eye, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 04:29:04 GMT-0000
I LOVE TIKI WIKI!!! Just had to get that out 😊
MagicFab, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 03:18:58 GMT-0000
Is there any Jobs-board module ? Where can I search for anything similar ? The search box returns 0 results on Jobs or job ;) Tx. for any hint.
colorado, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 02:08:24 GMT-0000
jcwinnie: one more thing, Dir Cats organizes and tracks usage for EXTERNAL content (links), while Global Cats is a way to organize the specific content (all types of items not just links) WITHIN YOUR site.
colorado, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 01:19:50 GMT-0000
..also... separate Dir Cats has special features like Top Sites, hits and other stats, etc. Start using it and you will see more benefits too.
colorado, Wednesday 17 December 2003, 01:18:19 GMT-0000
jcwinnie: I'm looking forward to importing dmoz (dmoz.org) directory database (which has exhaustively detailed categories). That will be too many cats, too broad for the purpose/focus of my site. Also...