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History: UserPagedaniam

Preview of version: 84

New video clip

Bernard Sfez a Tiki Consultant from Israel owns and operates an agency offering web based solutions. He first heard about Tiki in 2001 when he was involved in a multilingual project. Since then, he is a regular contributor and well valued member of the Tiki community.

Mr. Sfez's relation with his clients are based on partnership and tight collaboration. This include ongoing consultancy, technical support and training at all stage of a project.


In this interview Bernard gives specific examples of how i18n problems are solved... and more.

Do expect a conclusion in Hebrew as he is well versed in this language.

Let's remember that Tiki Wiki is the ideal tool to build and maintain a Website. It includes data management & forms Generator, Collaborative Content Management, and much mure.

This video, produced by Daniel Gauthier a video producer and entrepreneur. Daniel is a Tiki Community member since 2009. This video interview is one of several videos that highlights members of the Tiki Community.

The sense of community that Bernard shows towards the field of online collaboration is special and unique. He is helping the Tiki community with dediction and care. Thank you Bernard - Daniel.

On the tv.tiki.org side

Follow this link: http://tv.tiki.org/tiki-kaltura_video.php?mediaId=1_5bh4zq0h

On my YouTube side

Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JrB2iBEnY7Q

Here it is

Steve Cichosz


Jean-Marc Libs


Then let's not forget...

Kaltura's in visible integrated video CDN

Thank you to Kaltura for their continued integration support with Tiki and their repository services.


Zohar Babin and Michael Dale's presentation on FLOSS Weekly



Here are sites I worked on



Sand Boxes

My passion

I'm passionate about video, radio and the web. As technology is evolving, so do I. As the web evolves, so is the relationship between all media is fading. One concept that I'm working with these days is Nonlinear narrative story telling. On this subject, please refer to the Advanced Content Publishing page and the search for the Online Publishing House group. I've worked in the film industry years ago. This is why my heart belongs to this field. I specialize in the following areas:

  • Pre-production including script writing, planning shoots and proof-reading;
  • Production of video and photography; and
  • Post-production including editing, distribution

for both for the brick and mortar and virtual world.

    • Menu building processes. When creating a video clip, one has to have a menu to begin with. Strangely enough, it is at the end that one constructs the menu system for a video clip. With the making of a menu system for your video clip, think about how it will be structure at the beginning and keep in mind that online video clip production is Nonlinear.

Although, I'm recognized as an eternal newbie in this community, I'm becoming very much acquainted with Tiki and using it daily.

When it comes down to video editing I'm proficient with FCP and Premiere by Adobe.
When it comes down to script writing, I'm in my element. Therefore, documentation is always of interest to me although I'm mostly doing video prods.

The most active project I'm working on here at Tiki is the Video clip project where Open Source tools are being used and developed to communicate and promote Tiki as a good and solid infrastructure solution.

Tiki as a CDN

Tiki is used to document the video clips I've started to produce. The objective is to build a portal that would be used as a Content Delivery Network. As we all know, robust, yet agile CDN's are not cheap. Specially those CDN who manage complexity. Tiki as it all. We just need to make it do what we want.

Tiki as a solution

As all video editing 'affectionados' will confirm, doing a good *video montage*, requires time and money resources. Therefore, the crowd sourcing concept of doing online video editing is not only a dream come true with the use of the Kaltura plateform, it is a real possibility. It's been done before, you can view a sample on wikipedia. Yet, as mentioned, it requires resources. Would you be interested to make this video clip project fly higher and faster? If so, join our community and enjoy the ride!

Example of a social media experience

Who said kids are not ready for open communications?

Imagine the power of experiencing such an event

This young girl (the one wearing a hero cap using a "vacation type of camera") bellow is filming with a small digital camera (not to mistake with a professional digital camera) conducts her interview with a movie actor who just learned he won an award.

Tiki is a wiki. Is tiki wiki fast?

Can Tiki CMS Groupware be so easy to use that this girl can conduct her interview and put it out there on the web within an hour?

Tiki as non linear

As technology evolves, so is Tiki. Please keep an eye on Advanced Content Publishing since it is becoming clearer and clearer that once a tiki developer masters the basics about tiki and about video production, tiki can be very handy to create a multi-layer UI whereby many people working on the same project converge toward a unique organic content development. For example, let's say your working on a video clip presentation that is intended to many people coming from many background. The stake holders don't agree. Here is where possible conflict can occur. Roles in the project are:

  • Scriptwriter (specially in situations where the specs are organic) (See this 10 page PDF description of roles in a feature film production)
  • Director
  • DoP
  • Producer
  • Editor
  • Distributor
  • and you

Because Tiki allows non linear thinking, even if your crew does not agree, you can go ahead, continue to construct your video clip, whichever role you play in the production.

However, if other members of the production remain in disagreement, bring the discussion back to the end product, what does the audience will get out of the experience. If people still don't agree, ask them:

  • How will it look in the menu system once it's time to burn DVDs?
  • If a viewer wants to see only "my part" will he be able?

Just like in a book creation, when creating your video clip, think non linear. After all, as technology evolves, filmmakers will want to have control of the final product without over powering the others by using status quo and discouraging others to continue to contribute.

Therefore, if you have actors in your film (per example), make sure they understand that you use organic resources to save money and that if they don't agree on what to do next, i.e. what will the menu system on the end product look and read like, the project will not grow and be completed as scheduled (use Project Management and tiki trackers to make your production schedule, your assistant director will love you!). Be prepared to go back to the narrative board to patch stuff!

What has been done so far

Here are the clips that have already been broadcast on the internet using Kaltura technology

  • How to get help with Gary Cunningham Lee (done)
  • BBB with Fred Dixon and Marc Laporte (done)
  • Philippe Cloutier on the translation power of Tiki (done)
  • Jean-Marc Libs: Tiki and how to answer to real client's need (in FR: Tiki et comment répondre au vrai besoin du client) (to do)
  • How to manage complexity with (Louis-Philippe Huberleau (to do)
  • Tiki as an e-commerce solution by Pascal St-Jean (done)
  • The concept of modularity by Marc Laporte (to do)
  • Groups being easily managed by Nelso Ko (to do)
  • International Online publishing by Kirsten (to do)
  • Tiki and JQuerry by Jonny Bradley (to do)
  • What is and what is not Tiki by Marc Laporte (to do)

 Please note
Each person who are quoted here above has it's own raw copy of all that was video taped. Should anyone wish to use it's own video interview to dogfood it and complete the editing, please do so. Remember to respect the *standard format presentation policy*.

Where can you find me

My passion, what tickles me is yoga. I teach sometimes and got invited to help the international group in France. I've been practising since age 17.

I'm available to do these things:

  • Videography
  • Photography
  • Advisory
  • Script writing
  • Project management
  • Documentation specialist and social media development

I've written RFP's, RFQ's and done some SDLC projects in the past where I got involved in use cases, enough to give clients analysis reports as I have a basic training in Information Technology. I can help you get started with Tiki on the front end side not the back-end.

I can be reached at: daniel - at - satoshi.yoga


Giving instead of selling

I formed a non-profit organisation named YogaPartout-Satoshi.Yoga in May of 2023 so that

  • Instead of selling my customer service, sales and telemarketing company I gave away my clients to someone else and gave to the non-profit the YogaPartout and Satoshi.Yoga web site.

Maintenance of the site

All financial ressources have been used five months after the beginning of the web sites

The results

Giving and fund raising

The first round of fund raising was sufficient enough to pay for an advertising banner that was used to recruit more members and money

Maintenance of the site

As of September 25th 2023, all financial ressources budgeted was used till the end of our fiscal year
Should there be a charitable soul out there willing to explain what should be done on the tiki side to fix the bug as described here bellow, we will give a handsome 'virtual' reward to whoever can help as we are in the process of having our own token.

Here is the host provider diagnosis report

copy paste
Copy to clipboard
After taking a look on our end we can confirm that the service itself if running and capable being reached on the network locally and remotely. I will share some of our test results below for clarification: PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=36 time=114.354 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=36 time=109.310 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=36 time=116.760 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=36 time=108.940 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=36 time=119.833 ms --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 108.940/113.839/119.833/4.225 ms Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-09-25 05:36 EDT Nmap scan report for li897-32.members.linode.com ( Host is up, received user-set (0.054s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 21/tcp open ftp syn-ack ttl 50 ProFTPD 1.3.5e 22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 49 OpenSSH 7.4 (protocol 2.0) 80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 49 Apache httpd 2.4.6 ((CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips) 443/tcp open ssl/http syn-ack ttl 49 Apache httpd 2.4.6 ((CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips) Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15.40 seconds Both of these tests show us that the service is infact online. Additionally we can see in the second test that your web service (Apache) is running on the correct ports. However when trying to reach your domain I receive a 503 error in a web browser, which can result from multiple problems that we aren't able to see from our perspective. I can see that it looks as though you have rebooted your system a couple times at this point with no luck in bringing the site back up. Being that we are unable to access or assess the internal configurations of your service our insight will be limited here. However we will do what we are able to assist you where we can. What I would suggest doing at this point would be to check your Apache application logs for any error messages that would indicate what the issue may be here. You can do so by connecting to your service via SSH and checking the Apache logs Once you are logged into your instance you should be able to open the log file and view its contents by inputting the following command: nano /var/log/apache2 If you would like to share any related information with us from this log we may be able to assist in pointing you in the right direction. In the meantime, If you have any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate in reaching out to us for assistance.

Interesting links




Pages related to this one

13 pages link to UserPagedaniam


Information Version
Daniel Gauthier 89
Daniel Gauthier 88
Daniel Gauthier 87
Daniel Gauthier 86
Daniel Gauthier 85
Daniel Gauthier 84
Daniel Gauthier 83
Daniel Gauthier 82
Daniel Gauthier added this AI reference https://dreamix-video-editing.github.io/ and corrected typos 81
Daniel Gauthier [Rollback by Jyhem to version 73] 80
Daniel Gauthier 79
Daniel Gauthier 78
Daniel Gauthier NFTs 77
Daniel Gauthier 76
Daniel Gauthier 75
Daniel Gauthier fixed dead link 74
Daniel Gauthier 73
Daniel Gauthier Removed the Kaltura video that doesn't work anymore + added personal accomplishments :-) 72
Daniel Gauthier 71
Daniel Gauthier 70
Daniel Gauthier 69
Daniel Gauthier 68
Daniel Gauthier add link to what I mean by "Guidelne" 67
Daniel Gauthier 66
Daniel Gauthier Updating mostly 65