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English British (British English, en-uk)
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User Peter
has contributed to the following content…
Forum comments
- does anyone know how to reset userpoints to zero for everyone?
- Diaplaying most popular pages in last 7 days
- Re: Re: wiki page rating via polls
- ADMIN > EDIT TEMPLATES in 1.9.7 appears to be broken
- How can we prevent people overwriting images in img/wiki-up/
- AuuughH! EDIT TEMPLATES in 1.9.7 appears to strip out
- admin CAN'T access EDIT TEMPLATES and RSS MODULES in new 1.9.6 install
- Does anyone have working Tiki site that uses a WYSIWYG editor?
- WYSIWYG editor for wiki pages
- Re: Re: URGENT help requested: "&" in a page name will kill the page
- patching 1.9.2 so people can't put & in page titles
- URGENT help requested: "&" in a page name will kill the page
- Re: Re: Showing ALL contributors and #hits on a page
- killed my Tiki by entering custom code into the banner area
- Javascript to warn before leaving EDIT page
- Points per month or proints in the last month
- our users want to give points to each other
- Re: Re: Re: COMMENTS in TikiWiki syntax
- Re: Re: COMMENTS in TikiWiki syntax
- deleteting or hiding themes - CSS
- Re: Re: editing the default WIKI HELP page at the bottom of the edit screen
- COMMENTS in TikiWiki syntax
- editing the default WIKI HELP page at the bottom of the edit screen
- Re: Re: passing parameter to a module (top 20 users)
- passing parameter to a module (top 20 users)
- chat in 1.9.2 (loosing lines of text)
- wiki page rating via polls
- what is the latest stable release?
- Jabber Chat with TikiWiki
- use of Chat
- what is the best way of setting up access permissions
- how can I find page_id of page with "&" in the title
- using CATEGORIES to allow anon users to view pages in that category (how to do)
- invalid character in page title - URGENT help needed
- HELP_ user renamed page to include ~~# and urgently need to retrieve the page
- Showing ALL contributors and #hits on a page
- Re: Help, sudenly the number of users increase to 190 users +, and it kills my website
- Re: Re: use of the since_last_visit_new module to generate wider output
- How do I create a Poll?
- documentation for creating a poll
- use of the since_last_visit_new module to generate wider output
- Re: Menus, modules
- what characters are NOT ALLOWED in tikiwiki pagenames
- resetting the score for a user back to a number
- Re: Re: User's info on mouseover
- removing the "tiki-index.php?" from URL
- Re: Right column disappears on most pages
- problem wiht themes and right hand column
- Displaying the group Members list
- Allowing the user to show or hide the right column
- Re: Points system does not appear to be working in 1.9.2
- Points system does not appear to be working in 1.9.2
- problem with admin validation of new registrations
- problem with admin validation of new registrations
- Re: Re: Missing moderate_welcome_mail.tpl ??
Forum topics
- does anyone know how to reset userpoints to zero for everyone?
- Diaplaying most popular pages in last 7 days
- ADMIN > EDIT TEMPLATES in 1.9.7 appears to be broken
- How can we prevent people overwriting images in img/wiki-up/
- AuuughH! EDIT TEMPLATES in 1.9.7 appears to strip out
- admin CAN'T access EDIT TEMPLATES and RSS MODULES in new 1.9.6 install
- Does anyone have working Tiki site that uses a WYSIWYG editor?
- WYSIWYG editor for wiki pages
- patching 1.9.2 so people can't put & in page titles
- URGENT help requested: "&" in a page name will kill the page
- killed my Tiki by entering custom code into the banner area
- Javascript to warn before leaving EDIT page
- Points per month or proints in the last month
- our users want to give points to each other
- deleteting or hiding themes - CSS
- COMMENTS in TikiWiki syntax
- editing the default WIKI HELP page at the bottom of the edit screen
- passing parameter to a module (top 20 users)
- chat in 1.9.2 (loosing lines of text)
- wiki page rating via polls
- what is the latest stable release?
- Jabber Chat with TikiWiki
- use of Chat
- what is the best way of setting up access permissions
- how can I find page_id of page with "&" in the title
- using CATEGORIES to allow anon users to view pages in that category (how to do)
- invalid character in page title - URGENT help needed
- HELP_ user renamed page to include ~~# and urgently need to retrieve the page
- Showing ALL contributors and #hits on a page
- How do I create a Poll?
- documentation for creating a poll
- use of the since_last_visit_new module to generate wider output
- what characters are NOT ALLOWED in tikiwiki pagenames
- resetting the score for a user back to a number
- removing the "tiki-index.php?" from URL
- problem wiht themes and right hand column
- Displaying the group Members list
- Allowing the user to show or hide the right column
- Points system does not appear to be working in 1.9.2
- problem with admin validation of new registrations
- problem with admin validation of new registrations